Portfolio: Conservation & Refurbishment: Sir Rogerson’s Quay, Dublin 2
- Location:
- Riverside II Sir John Rogerson Quay
- Size:
- 100000
- Value:
- €440K
- Client:
- Xelesana GmbH
- Project Architect:
- Watts Consultancy Ltd
- Services Engineer :
- Parry Dougan Associates
Improvement and remediation works to an existing office block along Sir John Rogerson's Quay, Dublin 2, which consists of works to existing fabric, finishes and services of the building.
Works consisted of remedial works to the existing canopy which had failed with water penetrating in places, the existing flashing was removed, weathered and refitted, along with some alterations to the plant area and services including the replacement of the existing louvre panels and existing (Techcrete) stone panels were re-pointed. Works will also consisted of some minor alterations to the existing windows, along with circular steel columns in the basement being shot blasted and repaired. The existing drainage system was cleaned with some minor improvements to improve service works.
All works were carried out on an operational office building were mitigation measures were put in place to control noise, vibration and dust. Protection netting was also installed along roof level to avoid any debris falling on the public walkway below. Traffic and Pedestrian movement on the site is controlled to prevent any adverse environmental effects and to cause minimal disruptions to the everyday traffic along Sir John Rogerson's Quay, Dublin 2.